The Current Situation in India:
A strict lockdown has been imposed in many parts of India once again due to the terrible second phase of the COVID19 pandemic which has taken everyone by surprise. It is thought that actual figures are 5 if not 10 times the official government figures. The suffering is enormous and is getting worse as it moves from the towns to the villages, where medical facilities are even more limited and oxygen and vital medicines even more scarce. Dalits and other marginalised people are the worst affected, along with daily wages earners, slum dwellers, widows, beggars, rag pickers, etc.
Please help us to alleviate all the suffering we can.
How you can donate?
Please check the below two ways for Donations. Alternatively you can also email us at
The Manuski Trust is exempt from income tax under 80G for donations.
Indian Donors
Account Name: Manuski
Bank: Punjab National Bank, Branch: M.G. Road, Pune
Account: 10542011004259
IFSC: PUNB0105410
International Donors
International Donors can donate through the JUST GIVING page through Dhammaloka. Dhammaloka is a UK charity and part of the Triratna Buddhist Community. It is dedicated to raising money in the UK to assist Buddhist social and Dhamma projects in India.
Your donations will be used for
Involving more volunteers in this situation
Providing Dry Food Kit
Providing sanitizers, hand wash, sanitation pads, masks, etc
Providing nutritious food to malnourished children
Supporting other needs such as oxygen, ambulance, medicines

"Manuski" means Humanity
Manuski, trains, empowers, builds capacities and develops leadership in marginalised communities across India. Since the beginning of the pandemic the Manuski team, working with the all India network of Nagaloka alumni have been are spreading awareness of the disease, distributing food and homemade masks, contacting local private and government authorities, and much more, in 18 states.
The Manuski Trust, is part of the Triratna family, having been developed by Lokamitra who initiated Triratna activities in India in the late 1970’s