Our Board members and Admin team members, play a critical role in the development and success of Manuski. They are committed to sets policies and strategies for Manuski, in line with the agreed purposes, principles and scope of the organizations.

Board Members

Trinath Kanta (Maitreyaratna)

Trinath Kanta (Maitreyaratna)



A student at Nagarjuna Institute between 2006-07 (5th Batch), In 2011 he ordained as Dhammachari into the Triratna Buddhist Community (TBC). Maitreyaratna, is a school teacher in Odisha where he comes from. He is the chair of the Nagaloka Association, a trust set up by Nagarjuna Institute alumni to consolidate, coordinate and develop their activities. As such he is continuously in contact with alumni all over India, he also a trustee of the Nagarjuna Training Institute, Nagpur. He is one of the founder members and currently trustee of the Kalingamitra Trust, Odisha, where he playing a leading role in developing youth network throughout the state.

Rajdatta Jyotiram Kasabe

Rajdatta Jyotiram Kasabe



As a youth he worked for the Buddhist Society of India (founded by Dr. Ambedkar). In 1980 he came into contact with the Triratna Buddhist Community (TBC) in Pune. Since 1983 he has worked in various capacities for the TBC, playing a leading role in developing Bahujan Hitay social projects throughout Maharashtra and elsewhere, and later, the Manuski Centre in Pune, as well as Nagaloka.





Manjula Pradeep is a Human Rights Activist working for the rights of marginalised communities in particular Dalits and Women for almost three decades in India. She has done Masters in Social Work from M.S. University, Vadodara and Bachelors in Law from Gujarat University. She is the former Executive Director of Navsarjan Trust, Gujarat, India. Manjula has represented issues of caste and gender based violence and discrimination in the United Nations and European Parliament for almost 15 years. She was the co-chair of International Dalit Solidarity Network. Manjula has taken up cases of extreme forms of violence and atrocities on women and Dalits and in particular sexual violence on minor girls and women from marginalised communities. In 2018, Manjula founded Wise Act of Youth Visioning and Engagement (WAYVE) Foundation focusing on the building leadership and focusing rights of marginalized women and youths in India. Manjula is giving half of her time as Director of Campaigns at Dalit Human Rights Defenders Network (DHRDNet). In 2021, she initiated the process to set up National Council of Women Leaders building leadership and focusing on the issues of marginalised women in India.

Admin Team Members





13 batch NTI-Nagloka alumni from Rajasthan. He is very magnificent in social work. He completed his MA in History. He again mastered from Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai in Dalit Tribal studies and Actions. He has been very keen researcher and analytics about deprived communities. He spared his hardship in Jansahas, Madhya Pradesh, and covered many issues of Dalits and Adivasis. Bhanu loves to read and evaluate the best means for social healing





Lakhindar is currently joined as an administrator in Manuski. He is also a coordinator in Savitribai Phule Fraternity Fellowship. Lakhindar is Nagaloka 13th batch Alumni from Jharkhand. He completed his masters from Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai in Elementary Education. He belongs to Tribal community and so his main focus of transformation lies upon the social, cultural, political and economical transformation of tribals





Prachi Salve from Pune is working in social sector since last 7 years. She have on worked Health and Sanitization sector for 2 years and working on issues of Dalits and Adivasi communities from more than last 5 years. She is working on Dalit Adivasi Budget Analysis since 2017. Participated in Advocacy and Lobbying for Dalit Adivasi Budget Legislation in Maharashtra. Associated with Manuski Trust, Pune since 2018 under DHRDNet project. She is working on strengthening network of DHRD’s in Maharashtra on Access to Social Justice and Public Entitlements. She is also working on Gender Budget analysis focusing on issues of Dalit Adivasi women status in Maharashtra. Coordinated Public Campaigns for creating awareness about economic rights of Dalit Adivasi communities. Following up PoA cases in Maharashtra and providing legal assistance to survivors with the help of Lawyers Network





Sangharsh resides in Mumbai. Sangharsh is Masters of Philosophy fellow of Tata Institute of Social Sciences Mumbai. Sangharsh has been appointed as Assistant Coordinator in Dalit Human Rights Defenders Network project initiated by European Union. Sangharsh has been totally dedicated to Atrocity cases. He is responsible for most of the project works like fact finding, RTIs, memorandums to government officers, etc. of Maharashtra.